14 May 2024

5 Steps to Create Your Ramen 

What is Ramen?

5 étapes pour composer son ramen (1)

Ramen is one of the iconic dishes of Japanese cuisine. Originating from China, it consists of noodles served in broth and adorned with a variety of ingredients. Each region of Japan has developed its own specialty, offering an endless diversity of variations, from Sapporo’s miso ramen to Hakata’s tonkotsu. 


Ramen: An International Success 

Le ramen un succes international

Thanks to its prominence in Japanese pop culture, ramen has become a global phenomenon. Anime, manga, and films have contributed to captivating a wide audience. But its popularity stems notably from the richness of its recipes, offering an infinite variety of flavors and combinations. This versatility allows it to easily adapt to the tastes and culinary preferences of different cultures worldwide. 


How to Make Your Ramen? 

At Foodex, we offer a complete range of quality ingredients to create the perfect ramen in 5 simple steps. 


Step 1: The broth  

Individual sachets for less than 20 bowls per day 

dosette individuelles ramen
For restaurateurs looking to add ramen to their daily menu or anticipating a limited demand of fewer than 20 bowls per day, our individual sachets in miso or shoyu are the ideal option. Easy and quick to prepare (simply dilute the contents of the sachet in 300 ml of hot water), the sachet format allows usage according to customer orders, thereby minimizing waste. It also simplifies kitchen management, eliminating the need for space-consuming stockpots. Finally, our sachets are suitable for vegetarians, solving the main challenge encountered when preparing ramen for specific dietary requirements.


1kg bases for more than 20 bowls per day

les bases de 1kg ramen
For restaurateurs with high production volumes, our 1 kg bases are perfectly suited, offering the possibility to prepare between 20 and 25 bowls of ramen. Their use is simple: just dilute them with boiling water. We offer a variety of broths, including shoyu, miso, paitan, salt, and tonkotsu. These bases have several advantages: they are easy to prepare, saving time in the kitchen. Additionally, they are cost-effective, allowing you to offer a large quantity of ramen at an affordable price. With our range of varied broths, it’s possible to offer customers a diversified choice of flavors. Lastly, the shoyu, miso, paitan, and salt bases are suitable for vegetarians, expanding the offer to meet the specific dietary needs of your customers.


Step 2: The noodles

Noodles play an essential role in ramen. Made from wheat flour, they have a characteristic texture, both firm and elastic, difficult to reproduce at home. 

At Foodex, we offer two types of noodles for your ramen.

For those seeking simplicity and speed, our pre-cooked noodles are an excellent option. Simply heat them in boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes, then drain and place them in the broth. . 


nouilles ramen

For enthusiasts of authentic noodles, our frozen raw noodles are the ideal choice. We offer four varieties of noodles, each with its own shape and thickness, allowing chefs to perfectly match them with the broths:

  • Tokyo Wavy: thin and wavy noodles, typical of shoyu ramen, which pair well with delicate-flavored broths. 
  • Tokyo Straight: thin and straight noodles, typical of southern Japan, ideal with rich and creamy broths, such as those based on tonkotsu. 
  • Sapporo Wavy: thick and wavy noodles, typical of northern Japan, perfect with more pronounced-tasting broths, like miso. 
  • Temomi: very thick and wavy noodles, also ideal for tsukemen or yakisoba. 

These noodles have several advantages: they are easy to use, just thaw them, gently separate the noodles, heat them in boiling water for 1 to 3 minutes, then drain and place them in the broth. Their artisanal quality, variety of shapes and textures, as well as quick and simple cooking, make them a quality choice. 


Step 3: The Protein

protéine dans les ramen
The most common protein in ramen is pork chashu, but you have the option to add the protein of your choice to compose your ramen. At Foodex, we offer a variety of options according to your tastes and dietary requirements: halal chicken chashu, fried karaage chicken, katsutori, fried tofu, or vegetable strips for vegetarians. These different proteins allow for customization according to individual customer preferences! 


Step 4: The Toppings

Toppings in ramen are an essential part of the taste experience, offering a variety of flavors and textures that complement the noodle bowl. Among these garnishes, naruto maki, menma, and yakinori are classics of authentic ramen. 

Naruto maki is a slice of white surimi with a spiral pattern, providing a soft and slightly sweet texture, as well as an attractive visual touch with each bite. 

Menma, or marinated bamboo shoots, offer a crunchy texture and a fragrant taste that pairs perfectly with the broth and noodles. 

Finally, yakinori, or grilled nori seaweed, adds a delicate umami flavor that enhances the entire ramen bowl. 



Step 5: Seasonings


To top it all off, you can season the ramen to enhance the flavors and customize your final dish. 

Among these seasonings, shichimi togarashi stands out with its unique blend of seven Japanese spices, adding a spicy touch that enhances the taste of the broth and ingredients. Sesame seeds bring a roasted flavor and perfectly complement the ramen bowl. Finally, ito togarashi, or filament chili pepper, adds decoration to the ramen. 

At Foodex, we take pride in offering a comprehensive range of quality ingredients to enable our customers to create the perfect ramen. Whether you’re looking for authentic noodles, rich and flavorful broths, a variety of succulent proteins, or traditional seasonings, we have everything you need to prepare a delicious and comforting bowl of ramen. . 


If you’re seeking personalized advice on ramen or information about our product range, feel free to contact us via the contact form!
As product availability varies from country to country, please contact us for further information.